One of my initial goals for my 101 in 1,001 was to learn to identify the most common flora and fauna in the state. While this is something I still want to do, I’ve begun by expanding the criteria a bit. Local flora and fauna are important to me, native species are important to me, but as I’ve travelled more I’ve begun to realize in a concrete way just how interesting species variation is. It’s not just their adaptations and the more subtle changes between related species in different places but their interaction with their changed environment as a whole. Noticing these changes and making comparisons between these new species and the ones I’m more familiar with has definitely piqued my scientific curiousity, particularly when I stop to consider the larger, global picture. I’ve always been interested in environmental issues, particularly climate change, but it wasn’t until recently that I stopped to think the effects this has on a day to day level, not in my life but environmental...