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24in48: February 2021 Wrap-up

  So the readathon didn’t go at all like I had expected, mainly because I ended up sleeping most of Saturday and didn’t feel like doing much on Sunday. Multiple days of headaches at the end of the week will do that to a weekend, particularly ones with readathons on them as I’ve repeatedly discovered. I did do about four and a half hours of reading, most of that with an audiobook so I’m pleased with that and I did pick at a few other books. PAGE COUNT TITLE START CURRENT TOTAL Lose Your Mother 22 118 255 Notes on a Silencing 28 108 290 Grass (graphic novel) 0 75 479 The Color of Air 0hrs 0mins 2hrs 50mins 9hrs 21mins That’s 251 pages and almost 3 hours of audiobook which is the equivalent of another 97 pages (348 total), that’s not bad, much more than I would have done without the readathon, so I’m calling it a success.
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24in48: February 2021 Edition

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March 2020 24in48 Readathon Wrap Up

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March 2020 24in48 Readathon Update 1

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March 2020 24in48 Readathon TBR

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