I’ve gone back and forth over how much I want to participate in the readathon this time around given the short notice and the length of my to do list, but because I’m a bit behind on my reading for the year I’d like to at least give it a go. Currently I’m planning on focusing on books I’ve started, but I may throw in either the start of ‘How We Fight For Our Lives’ or ‘It Would Be Night in Caracas’ depending on how things are going. If I do decide to go for the full twenty four hours I’m going to need another audiobook or two, but I haven’t given that any thought as of yet. I would like to finish ‘Zero K’ this year, and I could pick up ‘The Red Word’ again, despite having no real interest in finding out how it ends, since I only have a few hours left. Ultimately, my choice of audiobook is most likely going to come down to which project I’d like to work on. I have pinecones to crochet and a sweater to finish knitting, but I could pick up a more mindless project and sew some plushies together. I also have some rendering to do that would keep me off the computer for a good chunk of a day if I can finish up the corresponding projects tomorrow meaning more physical reading.
"My mother would never let the hearth die in her home," Margret said. She felt Agnes turn to look at her, but didn't meet her gaze. "She believed that as long as a light burned in the house, the Devil couldn't get in. Not even during the witching hour." Agnes was quiet. "What do you believe?" she asked eventually. Margret extended her hands towards the flames. "I think a fire is a useful thing to keep a body warm," she said. - Burial Rites by Hannah Kent Teaser Tuesday is hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading . For other contributions click here .
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