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Showing posts from March, 2020

March 2020 24in48 Readathon Wrap Up

TIME READ: 14 hours 09 minutes BOOKS FINISHED: Broken Harbor, Know My Name, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl vol 1, A Tale for the Time Being, How We Fight for Our Lives I ended up not getting as much reading done as I thought I might on the second day, but I had some really nice conversations with family and friends so I can’t complain about that. I also finished more books than I thought I would. Usually I end up jumping around more, but I think the shorter reading time helped with that, although I did spend a good chunk of Monday reading 95% of ‘The Dry’ so maybe not. Surprisingly I didn’t end up needing another audiobook and I almost didn’t end up finishing the one that I had. Partly that was due the fact I didn’t spend any time working concurrently on other projects and partly because this is the best I’ve felt during a readathon so far so I wasn’t struggling to focus like I have in the past. TITLE TOTAL P. PREV. READ CURRENT REMAINING Broken Harbor - Tana Fre...

March 2020 24in48 Readathon Update 1

TIME READ: 8 hours 47 minutes BOOKS FINISHED: Broken Harbor, Know My Name I’d advise not poisoning yourself with dairy right before the readathon starts, it leads to a rocky start, but even with that I surpassed the six hours I had hoped to reach today. Most of that time I spent physically reading so I wasn’t able to tick any projects off my list but I’m really pleased to have finished two books. I’m hoping to finish three more tomorrow: the graphic novel, the audiobook, and one other. That’s not enough for another six hours of reading so we’ll see if I quit at some point after twelve total, my original tentative goal, or if I aim for more. TITLE TOTAL P. PREV. READ CURRENT REMAINING Broken Harbor - Tana French 474 287 474 0 Know My Name - Chanel Miller 310 119 310 0 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, vol.1 126 44 44 82 A Tale for the Time Being - Ruth Ozeki 14.72 9.75 11.87 2.85 Policy Analysis of Multi-Actor Systems 170 ...

March 2020 24in48 Readathon TBR

I’ve gone back and forth over how much I want to participate in the readathon this time around given the short notice and the length of my to do list, but because I’m a bit behind on my reading for the year I’d like to at least give it a go. Currently I’m planning on focusing on books I’ve started, but I may throw in either the start of ‘How We Fight For Our Lives’ or ‘It Would Be Night in Caracas’ depending on how things are going. If I do decide to go for the full twenty four hours I’m going to need another audiobook or two, but I haven’t given that any thought as of yet. I would like to finish ‘Zero K’ this year, and I could pick up ‘The Red Word’ again, despite having no real interest in finding out how it ends, since I only have a few hours left. Ultimately, my choice of audiobook is most likely going to come down to which project I’d like to work on. I have pinecones to crochet and a sweater to finish knitting, but I could pick up a more mindless project and sew some plushie...