Don't worry this is some sort of secret soft reboot, although I would like to try and start using this space again this year, this was just the best place I could think of to talk about the readathon.
This last week has been a bit rough energy and to do list wise, so instead of the readathon being a break from the go go go, it needs to be at least a little productive (aka relevant to other goals of mine). Well, that and I forgot to unsuspend my library holds so I'm not sure how much of my original TBR I'll have access to.
Originally my options were: 'The Red Word', 'The Drowning', 'Ms. Marvel vol. 9', 'Paper Girls vol. 5', 'It All Falls Down', 'Fantasies of Identification', and 'An Echo in the Bone'. I'm probably not going to be able to get a copy of 'Paper Girls' since I accidentally used my last library credit for this month and I'm second on the holds list for a physical copy. Whether or not I end up with 'It All Falls Down' is a toss up *fingers crossed*, but the audiobook for 'The Drowning' is almost always available and I'm probably the only person who's checked out 'Fantasies of Identification' so that should be fine.
Building from that, I previously started physical copies of both 'Ways of Dying' and 'Pigs in Heaven' neither of which I've finished since I struggled with reading in general last month and it turned me off both books. I also have the audiobook for 'The Red Word' for at least part of Saturday (unless I can renew it). There's no way I'll finish it, but I've been listening to it while working on creative projects so that’ll be a nice change. And I do have an ebook copy of 'An Echo in the Bone' and a copy of Ms. Marvel vol. 9.
To tie things in with my to do list and to bulk things up I'd like to read the prologue and first chapter of 'Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain' since I'm planning on making my way through the book this year, and I have a fair amount of reading to do for a MOOC I’m participating in. I’m going to hold off on reading any primary sources (or direct discussions of them) but I’m considering reading chapter 6 of ‘The Foundations of Buddhism’ and a couple of chunks in both ‘Why Everyone (Else) is a Hypocrite’ and ‘The Mortal Animal’. I could also dig out a couple of Spanish grammar books. I haven’t found one I really love, but I’ve been making my way through ‘Schuam’s Outline’ and ‘Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced Spanish Grammar’ as review/practice.
And if I’m scrounging around desperate for something to read my library has ebooks for ‘Beirut Blues’ and ‘Imagine Wanting Only This’, plus I have a copy of ‘Ella Minnow Pea’ I need to reread as part of my bookshelf downsizing project.
I generally steer clear of readathons because the timing never seems quite right and I never have anyone suggesting they’d be an awesome idea *cough*Becca*cough*, but it looks like I might have pretty good luck this time. I have most of the weekend clear although I do have some chores to do like dusting, which I can do during audiobook time along with finishing a hat I’m knitting a lining for (a modification of a Christmas gift), and putting together my BuJo pages for next month. I know I’m going to get massively sidetracked at least once, but I’m looking forward to giving this a go. If you have any general readathon tips or tricks I’d love to hear them.
This last week has been a bit rough energy and to do list wise, so instead of the readathon being a break from the go go go, it needs to be at least a little productive (aka relevant to other goals of mine). Well, that and I forgot to unsuspend my library holds so I'm not sure how much of my original TBR I'll have access to.
Originally my options were: 'The Red Word', 'The Drowning', 'Ms. Marvel vol. 9', 'Paper Girls vol. 5', 'It All Falls Down', 'Fantasies of Identification', and 'An Echo in the Bone'. I'm probably not going to be able to get a copy of 'Paper Girls' since I accidentally used my last library credit for this month and I'm second on the holds list for a physical copy. Whether or not I end up with 'It All Falls Down' is a toss up *fingers crossed*, but the audiobook for 'The Drowning' is almost always available and I'm probably the only person who's checked out 'Fantasies of Identification' so that should be fine.
Building from that, I previously started physical copies of both 'Ways of Dying' and 'Pigs in Heaven' neither of which I've finished since I struggled with reading in general last month and it turned me off both books. I also have the audiobook for 'The Red Word' for at least part of Saturday (unless I can renew it). There's no way I'll finish it, but I've been listening to it while working on creative projects so that’ll be a nice change. And I do have an ebook copy of 'An Echo in the Bone' and a copy of Ms. Marvel vol. 9.
To tie things in with my to do list and to bulk things up I'd like to read the prologue and first chapter of 'Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain' since I'm planning on making my way through the book this year, and I have a fair amount of reading to do for a MOOC I’m participating in. I’m going to hold off on reading any primary sources (or direct discussions of them) but I’m considering reading chapter 6 of ‘The Foundations of Buddhism’ and a couple of chunks in both ‘Why Everyone (Else) is a Hypocrite’ and ‘The Mortal Animal’. I could also dig out a couple of Spanish grammar books. I haven’t found one I really love, but I’ve been making my way through ‘Schuam’s Outline’ and ‘Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced Spanish Grammar’ as review/practice.
And if I’m scrounging around desperate for something to read my library has ebooks for ‘Beirut Blues’ and ‘Imagine Wanting Only This’, plus I have a copy of ‘Ella Minnow Pea’ I need to reread as part of my bookshelf downsizing project.
I generally steer clear of readathons because the timing never seems quite right and I never have anyone suggesting they’d be an awesome idea *cough*Becca*cough*, but it looks like I might have pretty good luck this time. I have most of the weekend clear although I do have some chores to do like dusting, which I can do during audiobook time along with finishing a hat I’m knitting a lining for (a modification of a Christmas gift), and putting together my BuJo pages for next month. I know I’m going to get massively sidetracked at least once, but I’m looking forward to giving this a go. If you have any general readathon tips or tricks I’d love to hear them.
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