My final time for the 24in48 readathon: 24 hours 2 minutes and almost 2 seconds. I made it! WHAT I READ: I finished the next two books in the Fjallbacka series (The Drowning and The Lost Boy) and started a few more (there’s a full list at the end of the post), plus I finished up some more academic reading which actually made that a bit more fun which surprised me (maybe because I was just reading and not taking notes?). Most of what I consumed was audiobooks, partly because it let me do other things, like design BuJo spreads and spend some time in Photoshop, but also because I was too exhausted for most of Sunday to do much physical reading. THOUGHTS (WHAT WAS EASY? HARD? WHAT WAS DIFFERENT THAN ANTICIPATED): I didn’t realize how much I was looking forward to reading ‘It All Falls Down’ until I couldn’t get a copy in time. That wasn’t much of an issue on Saturday when everything was new and I was working on creative projects, but on Sunday when reading was a bit harder and I ...