One of the goals I picked for my 101 in 1,001 challenge was to document a day in my life every month. I love being able to look back at my monthly snapshot posts and see how things have changed, but I wanted something that reflected the little details of my life, since those are the things that fade from memory the fastest. While I originally toyed around with the idea of doing some sort of video or photo collage, I eventually decided to fall back into an old favorite, 12 on 12. This project wasn't my idea; it's something I picked up years ago from a friend on livejournal. I remember seeing her post for the first time and loving how simple, yet brilliant the idea was, take 12 (or pick 12) photos to represent a particular day, in her case the twelfth of each month. In my case, I need a bit more flexibility, so I've opted to go with the weekend closest to the twelfth unless I have a trip of some sort planned for the month in which case I might cheat a bit and use that day/s i...