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Cooks in the Kitchen Week 3

I'm running a little behind but, wow, I can't believe I'm sitting here typing up my third installment in this series already. Time has been flying and the food just keeps disappearing ;)

Before I get started on what I'm cooking up next, here's a couple of notes from last time. The pumpkin curry from last week didn't work out as well as I had hoped, but it seems to be more my fault than the recipe's so I'm keeping it on the list of recipes to try again. Everything else turned out really well, although the vegetable stew ended up making twice as much as I had anticipated. I had to use two crockpots to cook all of the vegetables and I've been eating them nonstop ever since.  Brownies, which are great, had the opposite problem; the recipe needs to be doubled to get a decent sized servings if it's going to take the place of a muffin or two.

These next two weeks are going to be a bit up in the air food wise since I'm going to be sharing quite a bit of food with other people on and off and I may end up adding in quite a few salads if I can't keep my hands off the veggies in the fridge. That being said, I still planned out a full two weeks worth  of meals. Breakfast will be the usual eggs and veg, along with Philly steak style beef as the meat portion. Lunches will be a classic style chicken stew and sweet potatoes with pot roast. I've really loved having soup for dinner so I'm trying out a couple of new recipes: creamy lemon chicken soup and and Arabic meatball soup. For snacks I'm planning on making my favorite coconut coconut flour muffins (recipe coming soon) and pumpkin truffles. And, as I said, I'll probably end up substituting a fair number of salads as well as some cauliflower tots and sandwiches on coconut flour bread. I haven't settled on a recipe yet. I'm leaning toward the recipe I used to make my Thanksgiving stuffing, but there's a couple of other recipes I like, one in particular that makes a slightly cheese flavored loaf.


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