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2014 Reading, Film, and TV: Goals and Statistics

It’s the end of 2014 which means it’s once again time for stats and charts! Reading wise 2014 wasn’t a bad year. I read 113 books (I’m back on track for my 101 in 1,001 goal!). I averaged 9.42 books per month, with an average rating of 3.93 stars and 289 pages per book (34,036 pages total). The Fiery Cross was my longest read with 1,443 pages. My shortest read, a book on minimalism, had 32 pages. 68 books had female authors but only 11 books were written by people of color, something I’m planning on working on in 2015. Along with this I’m also planning on reading more books written and set outside of the United States. In 2014, 71 (65%) of the books I read were written by US authors and 52 (47%) were set in the U.S. Of the books I read, less than one percent were set in each of the following, Africa, Australia, and the Caribbean.

I reread 12 books in 2014. I read 5 literary fiction books, 12 classics (including modern classics), 17 nonfiction books, 2 books of poetry, 5 graphic novels, 2 plays, and 5 collections of short stories, all of which satisfied my goals for 2014.

This year I drastically increased the number of audiobooks I consumed (19) and struggled to read actual physical books (25 books to the 69 ebooks I read). I also struggled to read books that I already owned, reading only 36 books or ebooks in my possession and borrowing the other 58 from the library, mainly as ebooks.

My most read genre was scifi and fantasty with 41 books. My least read genre was the 1 horror book I read.

Number of Books by Year Published 

Number of Books by Month and Author Nationality

TV and film wise 2014, wasn’t a bad year. I watched more than I thought I would, but what I watched was much more diverse than my reading. While I’m happy with this, this doesn’t surprise me. While 33.7% of my time was spent watching dramas, documentaries were a close second at around 30%. Along with this, only 40.2% of the shows I watched were set or took place in the US. 1 percent took place in either Africa or outer space, both of which were my least viewed locations. In terms of films, 29.5 hours were spent watching films set in the United States, while only an hour and a half were spent watching films set in Africa (again my least watched location).

Overall, I watched an average of 20 hours of TV and 5.35 hours of film a month. I spent 116 Hours in 2014 watching TV produced in the United States, 49 hours of which were spent watching episodes of The Newsroom. Only 17 hours were spent watching shows, mainly anime, produced in Asia. My least watched shows were Hack, Stargate Atlantis, and Continuum with one episode each (0.75 hours).

My least watched genre was romantic comedies with less than 1% of my viewing time spent watching rom coms.

Films by Month and Country of Production

Films by Country of Production

TV Episodes by Month and Country of Production

TV Episodes by Country of Production


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