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101 in 1,001 Goal List

I figured since the other day was the one year mark in this project I should post a bit about it here. I'm going to start out by posting the list of goals below, any further discussion will end up in another post.

The goals that are completed are crossed out. For now, relevant dates can be found in my monthly snapshot posts. Greyed out goals are ones that have been changed, the current wording/goal will be found below it. Goals in italics are long term goals I'm working on or goals I'm hoping to complete by the end of 2014. Headings are in bold (and italics).

Travel and Activities [09/21]
 Prince Edward Island

Banff or Jasper

See a play in Stratford
See Vienna Teng in Concert
Watch a play in a local theatre
Go apple picking
Rent a cabin in the woods
Have a geeky sleepover
Host a dinner party
 Attend a reenactment
Host a game night

Food and Cooking.
 Make pumpkin donuts
Make a grain free/low carb turkey sandwich
Make sushi

 Come up with 101 things for this list

Mutlmedia and Languages [03/15] 
Read a graphic novel or manga series
 Watch a complete anime series 
Read 290 books
Read all the books I own

 Read books that I own: 20% ebooks, 30% hardcopy
Catalogue my books 
Read all the books on a 'best of' list

Write a novel
Write a short story a week for a year

 Have a piece of writing published
Choose an album and write a story inspired by each song
Write 300K

Make a recipe book

Read a book written in Spanish in Spanish
Watch a movie in French (no subtitles)

Film and TV.
Make a list of my favorite actors' appearances (keep updated) 
Finish the book and tv series that I've started
Follow up on and/or finish all the book and tv series I've started as of project start

Connecting (with People/Life) and Documentation [09/24]
Ride a horse
Go to the drive in
 Do some volunteer work
Go camping
Spend a rainy day in PJs watching films

(Re)Learn how to eat with chopsticks
Get my ears pierced
Take an adult ed class
Record a chapter for librivox

Make a list of the 100 best experiences
Make a list of family/friend's birthdays
Volg once a week for a year
Document a day in my life once a month
Post a travel vid for every city I visited in 2013
Keep a sentence a day journal
Take a photo a day for 6 months
Write a letter to myself to be opened in 1001 days

Write a "letter" to someone each week 
Spend a day alone with my sister
Spend a day with a child under three

Research my family tree
Blog once a week 
Decide what to do about my blog(s)
Write a living will

Around the House [04/21]
Learn how to replace cane/rush seats
Make a permaculture plan for the yard
Can/preserve at least 25% of my winter food 
Source food more locally
Start a compost/worm bin
Plant an herb garden
Join a CSA
Start a pressed flower notebook
Learn to ID the 20 most common flora and fauna
Raise chickens for eggs
Grow/produce my 5 favorite foods for the last 5 years

Fit all of my craft supplies in one dresser 
Knit, sew, or thrift my clothes for a year
Own only clothes that I love
Define my personal style
Organize my harddrives

 Pay off debt
Save at least 27.5K 
Save more (20% of earnings)
Make a retirement plan
Reopen my etsy shop
Sell handmade goods on or offline
Have my own apartment
Find a job I love

Handicrafts and Music [00/11]
Sew a duvet/quilt cover
Sew a colonial or civil war era costume
Spin enough wool for a hat/pair of socks

Design and Photography.
 Turn an inspirational quote into art or home decor
Take a photo for every letter of the alphabet
Scan all my film photos

Enter a photography contest

Play the clarinet weekly for 6 months
Learn 5 songs on the piano

Learn 5 songs on the guitar
Learn to play the dulcimer

Physical and Mental Health [03/08]
Yoga 5 times a week for a month
 Exercise 2 times a week for 6 months

Meditate 2 times a week for 6 months
One day a week unplugged for 6 months
Make a list of simple things that make me happy
Spend one weekend unplugged

Learn to finish a project before taking on a new one
Don't overcommit
Trust myself more (listen to my instincts)

last updated: 08/06/2014


  1. Replies
    1. \o/

      I'm trying! I'm pretty pleased with my progress but I was hoping for a bit more, as always lol.


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