I can never quite decide what I want this blog to be. I post things and then delete them. I sit around debating what I want this blog to be. The truth of the matter is I know what I want this blog to be, I've known for a long time, I just don't know how to get it there, or rather I don't know how to be the person I want writing the blog I want this blog to be.
It seems a bit ridiculous wanting to document my journey towards self-sufficiency and a(n urban) homestead of sorts, while simultaneously feeling like I need to have achieved these goals before I can talk about them. Maybe I feel like I'm not trying hard enough, not working consistently enough toward these goals, but maybe that's the point. It doesn't have to be a monumental undertaking, it doesn't have to mean huge shifts in the way I live my life. Maybe it's one step at a time day after day until one day I wake up and realize I'm there. I don't know, but I guess this blog will help me find out.
For any of you willing to follow along, welcome.
It seems a bit ridiculous wanting to document my journey towards self-sufficiency and a(n urban) homestead of sorts, while simultaneously feeling like I need to have achieved these goals before I can talk about them. Maybe I feel like I'm not trying hard enough, not working consistently enough toward these goals, but maybe that's the point. It doesn't have to be a monumental undertaking, it doesn't have to mean huge shifts in the way I live my life. Maybe it's one step at a time day after day until one day I wake up and realize I'm there. I don't know, but I guess this blog will help me find out.
For any of you willing to follow along, welcome.
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