Camping is one of those things that's hard to share via picture, moving or still. It's so much about the experience, the stars overhead, the springy soft ground underfoot, the wind on your face, that first pure hint of morning light, meals cooked by fire and ember. Sure there are the stories you tell, the ones around the campfire and down at the lake, and the ones you tell after, but it's not the same. Stories can conjure memories and emotions but they can't make the sun shine or moths fall from overhead lights. Okay, maybe the last one, moths are sneaky, but the rest, these personal moments and experiences, they're a lot harder to convey. I'll leave it at I had an absolutely amazing time, despite the lack of nonrock based floors and comfortable chairs, I would have turned right around and done it again. The lack of technology was restful and the presence of that much nature was restorative. We mostly relaxed but I did get to see some amazing sights...
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