I though since the Christmas video I had planned is at a bit of a standstill I would get to work on a first/intro video that might actually get posted. The text below is what I ended up with; it's the self-image new years meme a la emilieofnewgloom, whose video is here. I have yet to film anything yet (getting sick/being allergic to the world tends to put a damper on on-camera enthusiasm), but hopefully it'll get finished soon.
Daughter, grand daughter, sister, friend. Reader, writer, knitter. Chronic learner. Social worker? Case worker? Job titles are confusing and not what I expected them to be this time last year. Confused about what I want from life but willing to figure it out along the way. Accidental traveler. Canadian wannabe. Homebody, geek, occasional dork. Happily obsessive, fangirly, and introverted. A planner. A cat enthusiast, history lover, and country girl at heart. Tree hugger, environmentalist, upcycler, recycler, thrifter. I'm Lisa and this is 2013.
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