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Project Intro

So what is this project?  Why did I start it?  Why this project?  Why now?  I suppose the best way to start off is by saying that I like projects or challenges.  I like things with definitive goals, things with lists, and things that motivate me to either meet goals or make lists. 

The blame for the 365 project format falls squarely on the shoulders of Becca, who doesn’t have a youtube channel but she does have a bunch of really cool blogs: *link* *link* *link*.  And I know, technically that the 365 photo project and Shuttercal sparked my love for 365 projects and that Becca only fanned the flames and fed the obsession, but along with all the other things I love, I also love blaming things on Becca because she finds such joy in it.  Really.  I’m serious.

So that’s why the 365 project.  Why now? starts out with me laughing a bit at my ban on new projects.  I’ve never been good at the whole New Year's resolution thing, mostly because I never really take them seriously, shiny new projects are just too enticing. Why now?  Why?  Because youtube, (which is why I’m hoping this script turns into a video and not another blog post.)  Sometime before Thanksgiving I came across larainebrotista’s video on why she loves 365 projects, which got me thinking.

And thinking.

And then I decided that while I really did wanted to do a 365 project, I couldn't think of one that fit in with my current schedule of all work no play.  There wasn’t a single worthwhile thing that I felt was feasible to do every single day, particularly when I was hoping to get back into blogging and photography.  And then I realized this morning- well not this morning, the other morning when I discovered - that I didn’t have to do the same thing every day, but that I only had to do <em>a</em> thing everyday.  And there you have it my 365 project.  There’s a bunch of rules, or as they tend to end up being guidelines, that I’ll post below if this ever makes it into video format, and list below if it doesn’t.

<strong>The Not Really Rules Guidelines</strong>
1.      By the end of the year there must be at least 365 things posted, one for each day in the year.
2.      Items do not have to be completed entirely on the day for which they are counted but must be finished on that day or directly related to the day itself to be counted for that day.
3.      Items may be postdated when posted, but may only count for one day (either the postdated day or the day on which it was posted).
4.      There are no hard and fast minimums but posts with at least one photo, 100 words or 30 seconds of video are appreciated as are lists of more than two things, and thoughts of more than one sentence.
5.      Blog posts from elsewhere do not need to be reposted, only linked.  Photos from linked blog posts can not be used to fill the requirement for another day as they’re already part of a completed item.
6.      Once an item is posted it can not be changed or deleted.
7.      Derivative works count even if derived from a previous day’s item as long as the medium is different or the content has changed significantly.  Eg. I could post this script on the 1st (as it relates directly to that day, the first of the year, the first day of the project), and then post a video based on this script on the 5th.  I could even break the script up and post several videos having them count for several different days.
8.      No beating myself up for not completing something every day.  This is why the postdating rule exists.  Some days, turning on the computer to work on something takes too much effort.  Jotting down a two sentence idea or a quick reflection on the day totally counts.

So why this project, why now?  How does it fit in with all the goals and ideas that I’ve talked about?  Here’s how.  I wanted a project that encouraged me to do the things I love: pick up a camera, pick up a pen, open up an empty word document, color my face green in photoshop.  I want an excuse to document all of my crafting endeavors and all the words I read, the places I visit.  At the end of 2013 I want to be able to say I tried vlogging or booktubing, that I kept a blog somewhat successfully, that I’m proud of what I posted and what I didn’t.  I want to be able to look back at 2013 and have written memories to go with photos of my travels and I want to have photos of everyday moments.  I want to remember the frustration of every piece of knitting I frogged and every seam I ripped out and the feeling of glee at finally finishing a project.  But mostly I want a way to remind myself that despite the fact I’ve stepped into a new chapter of my life, one filled with more work and less time to goof off, that I still manage to do the things I love and spend time with the people I love.  All is not lost just because I went and got a full time job and a grownup life, while simultaneously rediscovering how much I like sleep.

And that is why  I love this 365 project… and it hasn’t even started yet.


  1. I loooooooooove it! BEST 365 EVER.

    And you are absolutely correct, I totally love being blamed for the crazy that you do :D I'm still feeling rather anxious however, cause normally at this point I'd be all OKAY LET'S GO! Right along side you. Hmmm... Let me think on it.


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