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List of Travel Related Misgivings

I'm planning on doing quite a bit of travelling this summer, quite a bit of it internationally, all of it quite a ways away from the creature comforts of my house and my kitchen.  For the most part, I'm staying with friends which is awesome and amazing and helps ease some of my misgivings but I'm also concerned about a couple of things, and since making lists of concerning things makes them less concerning, here's my list:

     &  I don't know what I'm going to eat- I have a pretty specific diet (strict paleo) and it's not the most travel-friendly diet considering I'm on it because I feel rather cruddy when I'm not.  At home I manage by cooking all of my own food, everyday.  This isn't something I necessarily want or would be able to do while travelling.
     &  Airport food- or more specifically getting edible food through airport security to address the above food issue.  Airport security, or really any security for that matter, and I don't have the best track record for reasons I don't understand.
     &  Vitamins and supplements- specifically the availability of both since I kind of want to block out a huge chunk of the summer and do all my travelling then, which means packing once for a span of several months.  I'm picky about my supplements, no chemically crud, so I don't know if I'll be able to pick them up along the way.  I also don't want to be packing a two or three month supply; I value my suitcase space a bit too much for that.
     &  Lack of suitcase space- I want to bring the smallest suitcase possible since I'll be the one lugging it around and lugging even a small suitcase gets exhausting for me rather quickly.  At the same time though I want to have enough space to pick up either a book, a skein of yarn, or something thrifted from the majority of places that I visit.
     &  My DSLR- I can't decide whether or not I should bring it.  It takes up quite a bit of space, especially once I start packing lenses (my favorite thing about the camera).  I do like my new point and shoot, particularly since it does take video.  The picture quality is comparable if not better than my DSLR but I really hate the lack of manual control.  I hardly ever use the auto settings on my camera but with my point and shoot it's difficult and time consuming to fiddle with what few manual settings are available.
     &  Lack of phone/communication device/digital maps/directions
     &  Lack of motivation to actually get up and do stuff- Part of the blah lazy blah that comes along with my vacations comes from falling off the proper diet bandwagon, so I'm hoping some of that will get fixed this year now that I know that.  I'm also hoping that this project will help a bit since creating something everyday will most likely turn into snap a photo every day, which requires me to get off my butt and go outside or go someplace new, even if it's just the coffeeshop around the corner.

Sunday ETA:
Solutions list (because Becca will pat me on the head):
     &  Make a list of edible food, make an accompanying list of quick recipes (no one said it has to be gourmet), pack a microwavable bowl and some silverware (and a can opener), pack a jar of salad dressing and a smaller portable spill proof container.  Also, remember sweet potatoes and tuna are amazing.
     &  Stalk airport maps and restaurant lists, plan for delays this time, to try and prevent ridiculous amounts of backtracking.
     &  Plan on restocking in the PNW and/or Boston (yay mailing address yay).  Don't be lazy scope this out ahead of time.
     &  Stuff sacks and more stuff sacks.  Here's the google search that lists ways to make your own.  Remember that I generally wear more PJs than real clothes and that the real clothes I wear tend to be limited to a couple of my favorite outfits.  Leave the rest at home.
     &  Leave the DSLR at home (*whimpers*) it's too clunky and camera-y.  I prefer incognito street photography while on vacation.
     &  I have no idea.... a smart phone would solve this and the camera problem but money doesn't grow on trees so....
     &  Inform all friends who will be putting up with me, that this is a problem and I intend to fix it.  Make up a list of things that would be cool to do and see if they're up for that (spending a day in Portland, spending an afternoon at the seawall, going to see a show in Strat-freaking-ford, window shopping at book/yarn/thrift stores).


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