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May Knitting Projects

I don’t know what surprises me more, the fact that I finished a project this month or the fact that I’m blogging about not one project but two.  I can say though, I am more than pleased that I finished these socks, they’re for an awesome friend of mine and I was a bit peeved they took me this long to sit down and finish.  I would’ve cut myself a bit of slack, but I still owe her socks from Christmas (I was a bit overzealous in planning last year as usual). 


This is a pair of Traveling Lace Vine socks from Writing and Living (rav link) made from some acrylic I had laying around.  I used a standard toe up sock formula like this one from knitty and adjusted the stitch counts to account for the blukier yarn and larger needle size.  While the orange isn’t an exact match to her school colors, it’s still spectacularly orange which is the important thing.  I had originally planned on making a pair of Japanese Garden but I didn’t have my copy of the pattern with me.

These aren’t the greatest pics given my feet are mouse tiny compared to hers, but you get the idea.

IMG_4915   IMG_4936 

Last month I knitted up a birthday present for another incredible person in my life.  While her Christmas present is similarly delayed I knew I wanted to make her a headband.  At first I thought I’d make it match her belated holiday gift, but in the end decided to poke around Ravelry first. Her favorite show at the moment is Sherlock so when I stumbled across a chart for the wallpaper in 221B Baker I knew I’d found my project.  The crocheted smiley face is attached to a button so it can be detached or moved.


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