It looks like I'm going to be playing catch up for awhile so I figured I'd hop over and update before I got started with all of that.
I managed to make it to a local rummage sale last weekend and found a lot of really interesting stuff, some for myself and a couple of things for projects I wanted to start. They had a couple of old cookbooks that I snagged and a few Mary Higgins Clark books to add to my collection.
I haven't gotten around to binding any more books although I'm hoping to soon as I made up a couple of thicker sheets for book covers in my last batch. I think I might have actually found a more efficient way of drying the paper, but we'll have to see how it holds up for a second time.
Things on the crocheting front have died down a bit now with the backlog of hats I have to post. I might save them for next season, although we'll see. I'll get the paper listed in a week when things calm down a bit and we'll go from there.
I haven't got any interesting finds to post this week, but I've got to say I really liked the interview etsy did with gaiaconceptions. All of her stuff is incredibly beautiful and yet it's simplistic, it's very eco-friendly, and I love the fact that none of it's covered in patterns. Normally I might disapprove, but in this case there's no need for all the extras.
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