One of my 101 in 1,001 goals was to complete a reading challenge. I started out working on a couple of my own devising, picking my way through a couple of top 100 and recommended favorites list, without much success. I was getting pretty discouraged until the Book Riot Read Harder challenge popped up at the end of last year. This was something I could do; twenty four books in a year and a half was more than doable, even with the couple of categories I had added. It started out so well in fact I decided to try and finish it within the year. Things slowed down a bit midsummer, and ultimately I've discovered I like projects a little more open ended like the Seasonal Reading challenge on Goodreads, but I finished and I'm so glad I did. I read a lot of books I wouldn't have read otherwise. I picked up books I ended up loving instead of watching them fall to the bottom of my TBR list. Much like my 100 book goal for the year (something else I'm planning on revising), it ...