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Showing posts from July, 2013

London day one

Deciding to take today off was a good decision despite the fact that I feel a bit like I missed out on something vital not documenting this experience with something more than words.  My trip from Heathrow is a giant mess of trying not to fall asleep, laughing at the station where "mind the gap" was repeated at two second intervals, and being terrified of some of the gaps that blurred past the window. Heathrow before that is a bit clearer in my mind, the passport check and customs and even before that the pear shaped woman on the "toilet" signs, which I found hysterical, and the endless amount of walking I insisted in doing because mining walkways and carting luggage makes me nervous. It's not any of that though that I'm worrying about forgetting.  It's the guy selling flowers outside the Tube station, the way none of the streets in this neighborhood run in ways that make sense to me, the greengrocer talking about his new baby, the fruiterer I sat outs...


I've gotten so complacent about packing my bags. Repacking for the UK tomorrow is going to be interesting. *prays to the packing ninja for good tetris mojo*