I've downloaded a copy of Jekyll and Hyde onto every electronic device I own. It's time to start my Classics Retold journey, but I thought before I did that, I should share with you a couple of the other books I had considered taking on for this project. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorn The first time I read this book was for an English class in high school. I remember most of the class disliking the book. I don't know if it was because of the book itself, the language and the subject matter, or if it was the tedious questions and halfhearted discussions that followed, but a lot of the class was downright miserable during the unit. I, on the other hand, was in love. Hester's strength inspired me, Prim fascinated me, and both Dimmsdale and Chillingworth fascinated me. While I haven't seen any strict adaptions of the text, I have seen other more liberal interpretations, my favorite of which is Easy A , one of my favorite movies. ...