I'm taking a couple of days off from the '30 Days of Knititng' meme for the holiday. Before I go and leave you all hanging (trust me my stash isn't that interesting) I figured I'd do one more post. Sort of a 'which of these don't belong' type deal only not as all of the following go together. Let me set the scene first. It's a late fall/early winter afternoon, gray and a bit rainy. You have a fire going or a row of candles laid out on the table beside you. You're sitting by the window looking out at the fallen leaves and the deep blue of the mountain in the distance. You're sitting in a rocking chair with your favorite blanket and a cat purring nearby. You have the stereo on, a cup of your favorite tea steaming next to your latest book and a basket full of yarn and a new project freshly cast on. This is where the following comes in. The Civil Wars: Barton Hollow (above) is the first single off their new album. If it's ...